How To: Clean Suede & Nubuck Shoes

Suede and nubuck shoes look amazing, but many people find them tricky to care for. Unlike smooth leather, suede and nubuck leathers are more delicate, easier to stain, and require a bit of extra attention.

With the right care products and steps, your suede and nubuck items can look better for longer.

Products Required:
Suede Combi Brush
- Suede Shampoo
Soft Cloth
-Protector Spray
(Dasco Suede Care Kit)

Step 1: Brush off loose dirt
Start by using the bristle side of the combi brush to remove loose dirt or dust

Step 2: Apply cleaner
Spray the Suede Shampoo evenly onto your item from approx 20cm away.
Use the bristles of the brush to gently work the cleaner into the suede, using a circular motion

Tedd's Tip: To ensure a uniform look after cleaning, it's best to do a complete clean of both shoes. Spot cleaning doesn't work as well with suede and nubuck.

Step 3: Allow to dry
Take a soft cloth and wipe away any excess cleaner.
Leave the shoes (item) to air dry completely (2-3 hours).

Tedd's Tip: Avoid direct heat like radiators & hairdryers as these can cause permanent damage

Repeat Step 2 & 3 if required
Stubborn stains sometimes require the cleaning process to be repeated until the marks fade

Step 4: Restore the nap
Once dry, use the rubber bristle side of the brush to lift and restore the nap gently.
This keeps your suede and nubuck feeling soft and velvety.

Step 6: Protect
Apply an even layer of Protector Spray from at least 20cm away to preserve and prevent major stains

Tedd's Tip: Regular use of Protector Spray on suede and nubuck is vital. Ensuring your shoes are protected makes cleaning easier as any spills don't get embedded.