Tedd joins the business. In Tedd's day, a pair of shoes cost a week's wages. Tedd wears shoes polished to a high shine, teamed with jet black socks pulled up high. Tedd believes treating shoes well is the key to keeping them beautiful and comfortable for longer.
Tedd has a son who is keen to help. He is issued his official courier vehicle - a bicycle. Its cane basket is loaded so high with packages that he can hardly see over the top. Customer Service is his top priority and the family business moves forward "solving problems and making people happy".

Into the new century and now the family is supplying Shoe Care products to the film industry, for Kiwi blockbusters such as The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit trilogy. (Hobbits don't wear shoes, but other creatures in Middle Earth do).

Tedd's grandson has inherited his grandfather's passion for shoes. Building on a century of family Shoe Care know-how, he launches "Tedd's". His goal: to give the next generation of New Zealanders the confidence to choose the right products to keep their shoes looking and feeling great for longer.
Backed by 100 years, combining four generations of experience, it is now time to make Tedd's passion available online to all who want the best for their footwear.